Asset Audit Case Studies
Some of our projects
Aged Care
A multi facility Aged Care provider, based in Queensland and New South Wales engaged Reduxo to perform a physical Asset Audit in order to provide them with accurate Asset Data prior to implementing a Microsoft Asset Management Solution.
A pilot Audit was conducted on a large Aged Care facility with Reduxo producing an accurate and comprehensive listing of Assets for the Project Team to then import into their enterprise Asset Maintenance Management system of choice.
The audit was completed within a week giving the client a solid foundation of Assets to reconcile to their existing register.
One of Australia's National Facilities Management Companies engaged Reduxo to conduct a Facilities Asset Audit including barcoding on low, medium and high rise residential housing in metropolitan Sydney. In total 254 buildings were audited, adding up to over 60,000 Assets.
We provided consistent, accurate asset data as a base for lifecycle costing and maintenance planning.
Event Management/Hospitality
One of Australia's largest and most well known Event Management Sites, based in Melbourne, engaged Reduxo to perform a physical Asset Audit of their entire site which spans over 350 acres of land.
A total exceeding 10,000 Assets were recorded during the Audit using Reduxo's methodology.
The Audit was completed on time and budget within a 5-week time-frame. From there a reconciliation to the existing register was made possible.
Building Facilities
A Listed National Facilities Management Service Provider engaged Reduxo to conduct a building Fabric and Fixed Equipment Audit on a number of large buildings & warehouses and different use buildings at one of Australia's busiest airports. Using iPads with state-of-the-art data capturing software, the Reduxo team captured all relevant data within time and budget.
Clean Data was provided to the company to then develop an accurate and effective annual maintenance plan on the buildings and assets.
A Listed National Facilities Management Service Provider engaged Reduxo to conduct a building Fabric and Fixed Equipment Audit on remote camps supporting the mining workers. In extreme heat, we captured data relating to the dongas (temporary, portable housing), kitchens and supporting infrastructure to ensure the mining staff are well looked after.
The accurate asset date was utilised to develop a maintenance plan on the buildings and assets.
Retail and Fuel
This service provider had a deadline, visit nearly 700 convenience stores nationally in 7 weeks. We captured everything from the coffee machines to the cool room chillers to IT equipment as well as fire and emergency assets. All facilities assets as well as a condition and any defects with supporting images and a video of each store. We captured over 240,000 assets.
The data was used to create a life cycle costing and maintenance plan as well provide an accurate register for IT, Retail, Fuel and Facilities.
Information Technology Audit
A major transport provider needed an Information Technology Asset Audit conducted - their warehouse was holding critical spares that were unrecorded and therefore went unused. With Reduxo's asset audit data, they finally had a complete record of the assets in store and were able to reallocate the existing assets ahead of purchasing new ones. The company saved approximately $87,000 a month for the next 12 months.
Arts & Culture
When you've got a public audience, it's easy to focus on what they see. Reduxo helped this major cultural institution gain value from the assets behind the scenes, by completing an audit of everything BUT the art. They had attempted these audits twice before, with no results. The data gave them valuable information to make both operational and financial decisions, and reporting to stakeholders became a much simpler exercise.