Facilities Service Providers Asset Audits
Most of this type of work is around due diligence and life cycle cost planning. Sometimes it is called asset audits, facilities audits, building condition audits, asset estate appraisals (our favorite!)
We are independent and impartial, we don’t provide maintenance services.
We are not part of the service provider or the client and this provides a level of comfort to both sides on the outcome of the asset estate appraisal.
Where this is relevant is for contracts where an asset inspection is part of a tender response but also to complete the due diligence for other contracts. For example, a service provider agrees to maintain or upgrade a number of AHUs but once you commence the actual project, you find they have many more than stated! Not unusual and knowing how competitive facilities services can be, costings and profits are based on the number of units you need to maintain. Before rolling out the contract it is beneficial to do an asset audit, which is where we fit in. This will allow you to renegotiate the contract based on accurate information.
The old adage "rubbish in, rubbish out" certainly applies here, it makes for a much better ongoing relationship with your customer, better overall reporting and planning for asset reliability and directly contributes to the overall success of the contract. The same applies not only to facilities maintenance contracts but also to other services you may provide. Asset management plans, asset management best practice, asset optimisation, lifecycle costing, reliability, process improvement, strategy, risk management…all these services will have a better outcome for your clients with a quality asset base.
The Asset Audit provides a solid foundation for a successful roll out of the contract with no arguments with your customer down the track. The value add here is that clean data makes for a much better contract to manage and maintain, a much easier process for your team and a good relationship with the customer.
Sounds like a "win win" to us.
Give us a call to chat about our facilities service provider asset and building fabric audits.