Asset Management Process Reviews
You're Doing It, Right? But Could It Be Better?
You've got the responsibility, right? Asset Management is in your job description, you've got the KPIs, you've got accountability and frameworks to deal with. You've got your reporting happening... but underneath it all, there's that little niggle. Could there be a better way? Could I make this budget stretch a bit further? Could I save myself some time by doing things more efficiently?
You know full well that once you've conducted your Asset Audit, that it can sometimes be mere minutes before that data is out of date again - it's in the nature of assets, they move, they no longer operate, you buy new ones... it's a constantly changing environment. You know that despite all of your best efforts, things slip through the cracks. Little things, no doubt, but still they slip. Can it EVER be perfect? Maybe not... but can it be the best it has ever been? Absolutely! And we're here to help...
Putting It Into Practice
First step, discover
Once we have had a chance to look through the documentation, it's a really valuable part of our exercise to get together with the key stakeholders and review the current process and any thoughts we've had since reading them.
Second step, workshop it.
This workshop allows any questions we may have about the documentation we've been provided to be answered in an immediate and effective way - allowing us to incorporate this knowledge immediately into our recommendations. It's also a great opportunity for you to pick our brains about any areas of concern you've had and the best practice ways to address those things in the future.
Third step, let’s get it done.
We'll provide you with a draft document containing your workflow, as we've documented it, for you to review.
Once you've agreed that we've covered everything and you've signed off on it, your new workflow and process is yours to keep and implement.