Information Technology (IT) Asset Audits
Information Technology Audits / IT Audits or Stocktakes require planning and attention to detail.
As with the other asset audits we complete, the goal is about having an accurate asset register. Operationally, it is crucial to have the correct data to make important decisions about:
How can you upgrade if you don't know what you have.
Leased Assets
You really do need to know where these are, you are being charged a monthly fee and in some cases more than just the lease fee but all in support, software, etc.
Others are after a "Single Source of Truth"
and want to reconcile their existing asset register with finance. (we can assist with the reconciliation as well if you like).
An up to date asset register
to provide service providers when outsourcing.
As preparation for a relocation
Always good to know what you have before you move and ensure the hardware moves from "A" to "B".
Accurate Base Data
When implementing a new software solution to manage your IT, you want to have an accurate asset base to import in.
So what are you waiting for, contact us today!