To Barcode, QR Code, RFID Or Tag Your Assets.
Should you tag your assets?
Should it be barcoding or QR coding, RFID, a combination of both or other alternatives?
Our theory is it certainly helps with tracking though it is not mandatory. Here are some reasons why you should:
Marketing and/or Advertising
Have your name and logo on every asset, great for service providers who have assets at customer sites.
Reduce Theft and Misappropriation
Asset tagging reduces the risk of theft as it is apparent the assets are being tracked.
Reduce Human Error
By utilising a barcode, QR Code or RFID scanner, there is no human intervention or possibility to enter in the wrong Asset Identifier.
Reduce Audit Time
The time to complete an audit is greatly reduced by scanning as opposed to manually entering in data.
Asset Centric Maintenance
If you are barcoding/tagging and have a CMMS or maintenance solution, the work orders can be assigned to the asset and the infield service technician can simply scan the barcode and the appropriate work order appears.
Locate Assets
Be able to locate an asset when you need it!