Asset Auditing Services
Find The Data You Need – Without All The Effort
The asset audit process (if you’re unsure or inexperienced at it) can be tedious and painstaking, and if it’s not set up right from the beginning, could end up in you not having the right data at the end. In that situation, your time is wasted AND you have no usable data.
Get it right - The first time!
The key to getting your physical asset audit right the first time is in understanding the asset audit process.
The Secret To Our Asset Audit Method
It's all about YOU!
For Reduxo to be able to gather the accurate asset data we promise, our first step each and every time we conduct an audit is learning.
We spend the time understanding what your asset audit needs are, what it will be used for, what data needs to be captured, and in what format will it need to be delivered.
Depending on your industry, we tailor and customise what data fields we use. Below are a few examples of fields that we commonly complete in an asset audit:
Serial Numbers
Asset Category
We run a pilot asset audit to test what data we're collecting to make sure it's right, and only then with your agreement - we head off into the greater world of your full asset audit. Don't worry though - we'll keep you up to date every step of the way, and we'll have your audit done in less time than it would take for you to find the right staff, make an audit plan and get it going internally.
Our project process is what ensures the success of our audit projects, it's what we've developed over time as our IP (Intellectual Property). This process is regularly reviewed, updated and improved with each and every project, and adapted as technologies change and our methodology progresses. The value to you is in the vast amount of experience this brings to your audit project. We cover all the key areas, including (but not limited to) Risk Management; Communications; Cost; Quality and more... important things that you can trust us to take care of.
What’s the point?
The most important aspect of our asset audit process is understanding your purpose.
If we have a clear understanding of what your data is going to be used for, we can make sure that the audit will deliver what you need to achieve those tasks.
Get your Geek on
Once we understand exactly what you need to audit, we’ll start getting our technology side of things rolling. Now, we’re not actually incredibly geeky, but we do love to use the latest equipment and software available to us. What we use includes Android and iOS apps, and quality barcode readers integrated into our system to capture data accurately. It's all about efficiency and effectiveness.
If you’ve already got software that you’d rather us use, we’re OK with that too. Using these technologies, we can gather the audit data quickly, accurately and with very little opportunity for human error.
All types of assets
If you’re thinking “I wonder if Reduxo deals with MY type of assets” have a look at this list of asset types we’ve audited in the past:
Furniture and Fittings
Essential Services (Emergency Exit Signs, Fire Safety Equipment, etc)
Fleet (Motor Vehicles, Tractors, etc)
Facilities Services (HVAC, Boilers, Air Handlers, Switchboards, Fan Units, etc)
Kitchen Equipment (Hotboxes, Bain-maries, Exhausts, Fridges, Combi-Ovens, etc)
Audio Visual Equipment
Information Technology or IT Hardware (PC's, Printers, Network gear, etc)
Security Equipment (CCTV, Cameras, Turnstiles, etc)
Building Fabric (Walls, floors, paths, etc)
Have no fear, though. The great thing about our methodology is that it applies regardless of industry and asset types. If your asset type or industry doesn’t seem to be on this list, we are up for the challenge. Find out about our experience across industries by clicking here.
Now it’s up to you...
We make this process as quick and painless as possible. Once we have captured your asset audit data, our quality control analysts have scrutinised it, and we’ve got it in the format you need, we pass it on to you.
You get your asset audit data, without all the pain.
You get your asset data in a format that can be used straight away.
You get your asset data without having to pay for expensive new software.
What more could you want?
Oh, you want your asset audit done quickly because you have a deadline?
No sweat. Our experienced asset audit team will be in and have the audit completed faster (and cheaper) than you could recruit, train, set up and complete an in-house asset audit.
Take The Next Step
You know you need that asset audit done, and we are here to help.